Registration No. 1198

Sponsorship Project

Children want to go school and study like normal children but parents earning not allow sending them in a good school. These children also have lots of talent and eager for learning but the family condition force them in work or work like there parental work garbage collection, begging, shoe polish etc.

a) Who comply to stop their study due to their poor financial status even though they are very intelligent in their study.

Most of the poor family could not read and write. Though they do not want to have more children, there is no way to control this. Having more children means need more food, and care. Female member of the family usually do house hold works but in the condition of excess poverty some females do hard work to find a little job. Since now only a man working, naturally they have less income than before. Every day they need more food and more support, but who going to help and support them? May a young child need to stop going school, and need to support the family, this is also one of the reason while child labor still couldn't control in India despite the fact that our country has number of legislation, safeguards to prevent child labour.

b) Parents want to keep their child to school but they can't due to very poor and who do not have any financial support.

From the very beginning they are very poor. They want to send their child to school but they do not have any financial support in order to make their child ready for school. As per analysis, a parent hardly earns Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 a month. It is hard to save this money each month to them.  Though the Govt. schemes for education is providing support but the lack of awareness and due to access poverty, children dropouts in the middle of their education and get involved in some kind of paid job. Govt. Schemes only provide school fess, a meal which is not accessible for most of the families as their need and priorities are fulfilling firs the basic needs of the family. Often children find them into a forced situation and run away from their home to fulfill their needs.

c) Children who lost their parents. Or their parents are physically or mentally disable to educate their child.

Many of Children are  living in difficult circumstances as they are victim of destiny, due to some reasons they lost their parents and Some of them are dependent where they are discriminated and ill treated which makes their lives hell. They uses children for household work like a slave. Some of them get adjusted and regard it destiny but some of them leave their houses.

d) Family abandoned or street children

In our country, poverty is the major cause for the excluding the children from the main stream. Due to excess poverty children are sold, abandoned by their own families. Due to lack of parenting skills they are and ill treated by their families,  abused by the  society.

e) Child Labor

Children who work in hazardous places and streets often come from slums and squatter settlements, where poverty and precarious family situations are common, where schools are overcrowded and poor, and where safe places to play simply do not exists. Most of the families expect their children to help in the income of the family, sometimes it demands too much of children, requiring to labour long hours that keep them from schools and take too great a toll on their developing bodies, it prevents them from exercising their rights and developing their full potential. To earn money for the children they get involved in bad company which leads their life towards drug addiction and crimes. Criminal nexus get them by showing the short cut to earn a lot of money.   

Cornerstones of our project

All our projects are focused on the struggle against poverty and destruction of nature

  • Education is the key to our projects
  • The support is unconditional for the children or any other beneficiary  
  • A good relationship between the donor and the sponsored child is important
  • Reducing Dropout rates and increasing enrollment in the School.
  • A "Life Skills" program
  • "Medical Intervention"
  • Over all development of the sponsored child
  • Development of their families
  • Liaison & Networking with Govt. and Civil Societies
  • Child Participation
  • Follow up
  • Sustainability of the project

So as per the need SHRESTHA sponsorship program has helped of children fulfill their dreams. Here is your opportunity to make a difference. Under this project Students get support accordingly:

  • Deposit there School fees
  • Provide them School bag, Note books, pencils, sharpeners, Drawing box, lunch box, school shoes and socks, Colors and craft material etc.
  • School Uniform (summer and winter)
  • Nutritional Support
  • Medical Benefit etc



88, Prem Nagar, Agra Road, Near Maitri Public School, Jaipur (Raj.)

+91 9602495189 , +91 9352416579

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